
Showing posts from June, 2024

Uncovering Security Flaws in Hamster Kombat: A Developer's Journey to Grandmaster Status

Hamster Kombat has taken the world by storm, breaking a record previously set by Mr. Beast on YouTube—a feat that might be the first of its kind. Suddenly, everyone is eager to get involved and make some money. So, let's delve into what exactly Hamster Kombat is. Hamster Kombat is a rapidly growing crypto game based on Telegram. In this game, players step into the shoes of a hamster CEO running a fictional cryptocurrency exchange . The game combines strategic gameplay with the thrill of earning real-world cryptocurrency rewards. Players can look forward to an upcoming token launch and airdrop, which adds to the excitement and potential for real earnings. The integration with Telegram makes it easily accessible and convenient for its rapidly expanding user base. Now, let's pull our attention to the part about "Telegram." That's our turf—it's a mini web app, and we do web apps too. Before we dive into the technical aspects, let's understand how the game

Reviving the Momentum: Building QRQuick's Backend from Scratch

Since coming back from my break, I've been wrestling with lack of motivation to dive into my work. But, lo and behold, last Monday, I summoned the strength to crack open my laptop and kickstart this project. Why? Because I made a commitment to you to see this application through. And let me tell you, when I make a promise, I stick to it like glue. eyaadh@Ahmeds-MacBook-Pro-173 WebstormProjects % npm create hono@latest qrquickBackend Need to install the following packages: [email protected] Ok to proceed? (y) y create-hono version 0.7.3 ✔ Using target directory … qrquickBackend ? Which template do you want to use? nodejs ✔ Cloning the template ? Do you want to install project dependencies? yes ? Which package manager do you want to use? npm ✔ Installing project dependencies 🎉 Copied project files Get started with: cd qrquickBackend This will set up a default Hono project for us. But before we dive in, let's lay down the foundation with a basic directory structure. Usually, I&

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