
Showing posts from February, 2024

Unlocking Success: Crafting an Integrated E-Commerce Marvel with Ewity

Recently, I've been assigned the responsibility of developing an e-commerce application that seamlessly integrates with the renowned POS system, Ewity. The primary objective was to establish a platform enabling customers to browse store inventory and make online purchases. Tackling this task presented its challenges, and I'd like to walk you through my approach and the steps I took to bring this project to fruition. Rest assured, I obtained permission before sharing this post. In order to optimize the process, I segmented the project into five distinct phases: authentication, inventory listing, order placing, notifying cashiers of placed orders, and generating bills within the POS system without completing the sale. Additionally, I aimed to avoid maintaining separate databases for these processes, relying solely on Ewity's existing infrastructure. This approach minimizes data duplication, reducing the risk of discrepancies and other complications that might arise with it.

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