
Showing posts from 2021

HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Range Sensor with Raspberry Pi

 On our last post we looked at how to light a led using GPIO, and that was output. This time let's use a sensor and do some input. For this experiment I used a HC-SRO4 Ultrasonic Range Sensor and the sensor outputs 5V which needs to be dropped/converted to 3V3 so that it could be connected/used with GPIO without damaging our Raspberry Pi! Keeping all that in mind let’s go back to primary school Physics class along with Electronics in this experiment in order to explain each step in achieving today's goal! Accessories required for this project: HC-SR04 1kΩ Resistor & 2kΩ Resistor Jumper Wires Ultrasonic Distance Sensor: As the name indicates, ultrasonic sensors measure distance by sending a sound wave at a frequency above the range of human hearing. A basic ultrasonic sens

Mama I got a Raspberry Pi finally!

Introduction: I am a kind of person who when interested in something, studies and learns as much as I can about that particular topic/thing until I am confident I have known enough of what is there to offer, perhaps that is how I got my nickname “The Scientist”. For quite awhile now, I have been eagerly waiting to get my hands on a Raspberry pi and finally I had the liberty of owning one - a week back. The reason I decided to write about the experiments I did on Raspberry Pi and my case study notes is mostly just because I believe a huge part of studying is also putting the theory you learn in practical and documenting it. And also for the satisfaction of being able to explain and share a knowledge I have gained. After all there is a famous say which states something along the lines "Sharing knowledge ensures the entry of new". Also do not be shy because Robert Mugabe also once said "No matter how bad you are, you are not useless. You can still be used as a Bad Example!&

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